Denture Care

Partial and Full Denture Care

  1. Have client remove his/her denture
  2. Inspect denture and as needed, brush and rinse to remove any deposits, place denture in plastic zip lock bag
    filled with water for storage during care.
  3. Should denture require ultrasonic cleaning: Fill the small ultrasonic cleaner in the recirculation room to the
    ½ fill mark with water.
  4. Place the denture in a bag filled with a denture cleaning/dissolving solution (ProClean)
  5. Fill glass beaker with water, and place bag/denture in the glass beaker and cover. Place beaker in ultrasonic.
  6. Run ultrasonic for 1-5 minutes.
  7. Remove denture and thoroughly rinse solution, re-clean as necessary.
  8. Discard all solutions and clean the ultrasonic and glass beaker as required.
  9. Store dentures in Dixie cup, until it is returned to the client.
  10. Record in ROC.