Perio Staging & Grading

(Gingival statement if there is gingival inflammation)

Suggested Condition Statement: Generalized+  chronic + moderate + marginal + gingivitis

Choice A— Gingival Health

NO gingival condition is present, write “Gingival health”
YES, “Gingival Health (on an intact/reduced periodontium)” is checked off
NO Periodontitis

Choice B— Gingivitis

YES, a gingival condition is present
YES, “Gingivitis (biofilm induced)” AND “Gingivitis (on an intact periodontium / reduced periodontium) are both checked off
NO Periodontitis

Choice C— Periodontitis

NO gingival condition (write a gingival health statement)
NO Periodontal Health and Gingival Diseases/Conditions
YES, Periodontitis is checked off


Considerations when classifying Periodontitis:
InterdentalCAL is detectable at ≥ 2 non-adjacent teeth 
Buccal or oral CAL ≥ 3mm with pocketing >3 mm is detectable at ≥ 2 teeth

Observed CAL cannot be ascribed to non-periodontal causes such as:
-Gingival recession of traumatic origin
-Dental caries extending in the cervical area of the tooth
-Presence of CAL on the distal aspect of a second molar and associated with malposition or extraction of a third molar
-An endodontic lesion draining through the marginal periodontium
-Occurrence of a vertical root fracture

The fillowing is a list of acceptable “Contributing Factors” related to the initiation and progression of periodontal diseases. It is important to note there must be a probable link to the client’s condition for the factor(s) identified. A client may present with factors listed below without them being a probable link to their specific oral condition.
This list is not exhaustive. Contributing factors must be considered on a client specific basis.
tobacco smoking
immune conditions (any condition with an oral implication), poor nutrition
systemic infections
allergic reactions
Hormonal influences: pregnancy, puberty, menopause
medications – diurectics, allergy medications, antidepressants, blood pressure, hormone therapy,
anticonvulscents, immunosuppressants, calcium channel blockers, (any medication with an oral side
alcohol use
dental caries
tobacco smoking
mature plaque biofilm related to increasing severity of periodontitis
malpositioned teeth, grooves, concavities
restorations poorly contoured, rough margins, overhangs
open contacts
crown contours
appliances – orthodontic, prosthodontic
oral jewelry
recession causing plaque retention
frenum pulls causing recession and plaque retention
gingival enlargement, psuedopockets,
occlusal trauma causing fremitus or mobility

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